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Duration: 25'

Designed as part of the collective exhibit, pulsACCIONES, in the gallery ATM, Gijón, Asturias. The exhibit was a museification of the performances created during the artistic residency in Columbiello as part of the accionMAD festival.


23 is a confessionalist piece. Much like confessional poetry, the focus shifts from the autobiographical to the poetic working with space and image here. The space used was outside of the gallery giving an homage to its previous use, an old wig factory. Here the artist  buries her head within 50 kg of earth and slowly recovers her face so as to breathe once again. As she uncovers herself, she begins to cut 23 strands of hair while also taking a fistful of earth and moving it within the space, repeating this action continuously until all 23 strips of hair have been removed.


From there, the action continues to the donation of this artwork, its remains, and its new use.  

23 marks the passage of time.

23 marks a renewal of the self.

To see the video, click here

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